NZ Cities

NZ Cities

NZ Cities

Day and night time images of some of New Zealands Cities taken by photographer Alec Messenger. Printed images are available on canvas or aluminium and make great wall art. I'm not really a city person but I do love getting out at night and taking photos of the city lights so much of this collection is from my night photography.

  • Petone & Lowerhutt Lights At Night

    Lower Hutt And Petone At Night

    The night lights of Lower Hutt and Petone from the top of the Wainuiamata hill at dusk. Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend...
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  • Wellington City Lights from Stelin Memorial Park

    Wellington City Lights-4

    A nightime panorama of Wellington harbour and city taken from Stellin Memorial Park in Northland.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We...
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  • Wellington City Lights from Stelin Memorial Park

    Wellington City Lights-2

    Wellington city night lights sprawled out over the hills and around the harbour in the early evening as seen from Stellin Memorial ParkFraming & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the...
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  • Wellington From Te Ahumairangi Hill

    Wellington FromTe Ahumairangi Hill

    Wellington harbour from Te Ahumairangi Hill looking out over Somes Isalnd towards Petone and the Hutt Valley Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation...
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  • Taranik sunrise fomr Paritutu

    New Plymouth At Dawn

    Wide angle panorama taken from Paritutu at dawn of New Plymouth city spanning from Port Taranki and the Power Station chimney around to back beach.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium...
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  • Auckland waterfront at dawn

    Auckland Waterfront

    Early morning view of Auckland from the harbour with the port and city buildings and the sky tower lit up by the morning sun. This photo was taken from the Great Barrier Island ferry Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either...
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  • Sunrise Over Wellington from Mt Kau Kau

    Wellington At Dawn-3

    An early morning panorama of Wellington from Mt Kau KauFraming & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend aluminium prints due to their high...
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  • Sunset From Mt Kau Kau

    Sunset From Mt Kau Kau

    A misty sunset over Wellington from Mt Kau Kau. Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend aluminium prints due to their high...
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