It Seems Like Spring
It's still officially winter, but the cherries have blossomed early and it seems like spring. The garden is full of birds with 30 or 40 tui in the cherry trees drinking nectar and chasing each other around. The tui are very territorial and defend the cherry trees chasing other birds out. A game of chase has developed between the tui and the silvereye.The tui tend to feed in the top of the tree and the silvereye keep sneaking into the bottom branches until the tui spot them and chase them out. Th
12th Aug 2018
Silvereye In The Hebe
Here's some photos of some beautiful little silvereye (tauhou) in our garden drinking nectar from the hebe flowers. The silvereye are frequent visitors to these hebe frequently arriving in a small flock and filing it with movement as they not only feed on the nectar but also pick it clean of insect pests and caterpillars. Silvereye are very versatile little birds with a wide range of diet feeding on nectar, berries, seeds, fruit insects and caterpillars. They've been very successful at ada
3rd Jun 2018